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Polymeric perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions are ultrasound-activated wireless drug infusion catheters.

Biomaterials. 2019; 
Zhong Q, Yoon BC, Aryal M, Wang JB, Ilovitsh T, Baikoghli MA, Hosseini-Nassab N, Karthik A, Cheng RH, Ferrara KW, Airan RD.
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Cellular Analysis … Cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) was performed on a JEOL JEM 2100F cryo-TEM (Peabody, MA, USA; see Supporting Information S4 for details) Endotoxin concentration of the propofol-loaded nanoemulsion was assayed with ToxinSensor™ LAL endotoxin kit (GenScript Get A Quote


Catheter-based intra-arterial drug therapies have proven effective for a range of oncologic, neurologic, and cardiovascular applications. However, these procedures are limited by their invasiveness and relatively broad drug spatial distribution. The ideal technique for local pharmacotherapy would be noninvasive and would flexibly deliver a given drug to any region of the body with high spatial and temporal precision. Combining polymeric perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions with existent clinical focused ultrasound systems could in principle meet these needs, but it has not been clear whether these nanoparticles could provide the necessary drug loading, stability, and generalizability across a range of drugs, beyond a ... More


Clinically translatable; Drug delivery platform; Focused ultrasound; Noninvasive ultrasonic drug uncaging; Spatiotemporally controlled release; Targeted drug delivery